Search Results Your search for Gary Oldman found the following documents (of 8937 documents searched): Displaying documents 61-70 of 89, with best matches first:
- 61. Leon: The Professional [Blu-Ray 4K] (1994)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: Leon effectively combines hard-hitting action with moving drama to create an indelible piece of work that seems very effective. Starring Jean Reno, Natalie Portman. Sony, $19.98, 10/27/2014.
URL: - 17k - 13 Dec 2024
- 62. Hannibal (Single-Disc Edition) [Blu-Ray] (2001)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: For fans of The Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal comes as a major disappointment. The movie fails to capture any of the original’s creepy intensity and character depth. Instead, it substitutes gore and nastiness and omits any sign of cleverness or life. The Blu-ray provides very good audio but visuals seem bland and the disc provides virtually no extras. T
URL: - 19k - 13 Dec 2024
- 63. Hannibal: The Hannibal Lecter Collection [Blu-Ray] (2001)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: For fans of The Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal comes as a major disappointment. The movie fails to capture any of the original’s creepy intensity and character depth. Instead, it substitutes gore and nastiness and omits any sign of cleverness or life. The Blu-ray provides very good audio but visuals seem bland and the disc provides virtually no extras. T
URL: - 19k - 13 Dec 2024
- 64. Leon: The Professional (Deluxe Edition) (1994)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: The Deluxe Edition adds some pretty good extras, and those may make the difference for fans. I think all of the various components are enjoyable and informative, but we don’t get a whole lot of them. No one will mistake this for a packed special edition, so while I’ll recommend this package for folks who don’t own the first release of Leon, I can’t advis
URL: - 21k - 13 Dec 2024
- 65. The Fifth Element [4K UHD] (1997)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: After 25 years and a bunch of screenings, I continue to find The Fifth Element to provide a funny, exciting and lively experience. The movie packs in more inventiveness than 10 standard flicks combined, and it does so with flair, panache, and class. Starring Bruce Willis, Milla Jovovich. Sony, $30.99, 7/11/2017.
URL: - 22k - 13 Dec 2024
- 66. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy [Blu-Ray] (1979)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: While not the world’s most accessible project, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy offers a good mini-series for viewers willing to invest in it. The shows take on a complex story and tell it well. Unfortunately, the Blu-ray provides flawed visuals as well as average audio and supplements. I like the series but think this is a mediocre product. Starring Alec Guine
URL: - 24k - 13 Dec 2024
- 67. Leon: The Professional (1994)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: Although the lack of significant extras keeps Leon from the ranks of the great DVDs, it possesses the most important component: a terrific movie. The film effectively combines hard-hitting action with moving drama to create an indelible piece of work that seems very effective. Starring Jean Reno, Natalie Portman. Columbia, $29.95, 10/3/2000.
URL: - 25k - 13 Dec 2024
- 68. Leon: The Professional (Superbit) (1994)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: Usually I think that Superbit DVDs are at least equal in quality to their predecessors, and most of them are better, even if only by a little. In the case of Leon, unfortunately, the prior DVD is the one to get. Starring Jean Reno, Natalie Portman. Columbia, $26.95, 9/9/2003.
URL: - 26k - 13 Dec 2024
- 69. The Fifth Element: Ultimate Edition (1997)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: If you own one of the prior releases, your choice will largely depend on your interest in those extras. If you don’t like them, there’s no reason to “upgrade” from the prior Superbit disc; picture and sound remain the same between those two. At least the inclusion of the supplements makes the upgrade more painless for those who have some interest in them
URL: - 27k - 13 Dec 2024
- 70. The Dark Knight Rises [4K UHD] (2012)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: The Dark Knight Rises doesn’t quite match the heights of its immediate predecessor, but it comes much closer than expected and brings the series to a rousing finish. If Dark Knight was a 10, Rises is a 9.5. Starring Christian Bale, Tom Hardy. Warner, $41.99, 12/19/2017.
URL: - 32k - 13 Dec 2024
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