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Your search for Catherine, Keener found the following documents (of 8662 documents searched):
Displaying documents 1-10 of 35, with best matches first:

1. Capote (2005)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: I wouldn’t consider Capote to be a great film, but it does boast one stellar performance. Actually, the entire cast works well, but Philip Seymour Hoffman makes the movie memorable all on his own ... If for no reason other than to check out Hoffman’s amazing work, Capote deserves a look. Starring Philip Seymour Hoffman, Catherine Keener. Columbia TriStar
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/capote.shtml - 25k - 05 Oct 2024
2. Enough Said [Blu-Ray] (2013)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: With Enough Said, we get a decent romantic comedy. It doesn’t do enough right to make it a consistent winner, but it offers reasonable entertainment much of the time. The Blu-ray delivers very good visuals with acceptable audio and a small set of bonus materials. Nothing here impresses but the movie ends up as a watchable affair. Starring James Gandolfin
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/enoughsaid.shtml - 20k - 27 Apr 2024
3. Trust_ [Blu-Ray] (2010)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: David Schwimmer shows signs that he can become a good dramatic director with the powerful Trust. Only a few minor weaknesses mar this emotional flick, as it usually delivers a moving, impressive piece of work. The Blu-ray comes with erratic picture, decent audio and a handful of supplements. Nothing about the Blu-ray excels, but the movie deserves your a
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/trust.shtml - 24k - 27 Apr 2024
4. Capote [Blu-Ray] (2005)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: I wouldn’t consider Capote to be a great film, but it does boast one stellar performance. Actually, the entire cast works well, but Philip Seymour Hoffman makes the movie memorable all on his own. Starring Philip Seymour Hoffman, Catherine Keener. Sony, $11.99, 10/9/2012.
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/capotebr.shtml - 19k - 05 Oct 2024
5. Being John Malkovich: Special Edition (1999)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: As is the movie they serve. Being John Malkovich isn't the best movie I've ever seen, but it's one of the most unusual, and it's also awfully compelling. The DVD comes with decent supplements and good audio but suffers from problematic visuals. I like the flick but find the DVD to be a disappointment due to the weak picture quality. Starring John Cusack,
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/beingjohnmalkovich.shtml - 20k - 05 Oct 2024
6. The 40-Year-Old Virgin: Unrated (2005)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: So despite a mix of flaws, The 40-Year-Old Virgin gets a thumb’s up simply because it’s awfully funny. The movie lags at times and needs to lose a good half an hour. Still, too long and hilarious beats the hell out of quick-paced and lame. Starring Steve Carell, Catherine Keener. Universal, $29.98, 12/13/2005.
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/40yearoldvirgin.shtml - 26k - 05 Oct 2024
7. Being John Malkovich: Criterion Collection [Blu-Ray] (1999)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: Being John Malkovich isn't the best movie I've ever seen, but it's one of the most unusual, and it's also awfully compelling. The Blu-ray comes with very good picture and audio as well as a reasonably interesting set of supplements. The film’s too weird to be for everyone, but aficionados will feel pleased with this Blu-ray, as it’s by far the best home
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/beingjohnmalkovichbr.shtml - 26k - 05 Oct 2024
8. The 40-Year-Old Virgin [Blu-Ray] (2005)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: One of the 2005’s sleeper hits, The 40-Year-Old Virgin mostly deserves its success. The film drags at times, but it offers more than enough funniness to make it enjoyable. Starring Steve Carell, Catherine Keener. Universal, $19.98, 9/30/2008.
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/40yearoldvirginbr.shtml - 28k - 05 Oct 2024
9. Where The Wild Things Are [Blu-Ray] (2009)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: I can’t say how fans of the original book will respond to the cinematic version of Where the Wild Things Are, but I think it works – mostly. The film keeps us reasonably entertained and involved, but it lacks a certain magic that would make it great. The Blu-ray boasts very good picture and audio along with a few reasonably interesting supplements. Wild
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/wherethewildthingsarebr.shtml - 23k - 27 Apr 2024
10. The 40-Year-Old Virgin: Double Your Pleasure Edition (2005)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: While I definitely recommend this “Double Your Pleasure Edition” to new fans, I don’t know how much it’ll appeal to those who already own the original release. I like the extras and think they’re consistently pretty worthwhile. However, they’re the sole attraction for folks who have the old DVD, as picture and sound remain unchanged. If that’s enough for
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/40yearoldvirgindoubleyourpleasure.shtml - 29k - 05 Oct 2024

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