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Your search for James, Earl, Jones found the following documents (of 8834 documents searched):
Displaying documents 61-70 of 81, with best matches first:

61. Malcolm X: Criterion Collection [4K UHD] (1992)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: Denzel Washington perfectly captured his character in Malcolm X, and I consider his turn here to be one of the all-time great pieces of movie acting. The rest of Malcolm X seems less strong, but the film nonetheless succeeds more than it sputters. Starring Denzel Washington, Angela Bassett. Criterion, $49.95, 11/22/2022.
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/malcolmx4k.shtml - 27k - 05 Oct 2024
62. Malcolm X: Criterion Collection [Blu-Ray] (1992)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: Denzel Washington perfectly captured his character in Malcolm X, and I consider his turn here to be one of the all-time great pieces of movie acting. The rest of Malcolm X seems less strong, but the film nonetheless succeeds more than it sputters. Starring Denzel Washington, Angela Bassett. Criterion, $39.95, 11/22/2022.
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/malcolmxbrcriterion.shtml - 27k - 05 Oct 2024
63. Star Wars Trilogy: Bonus Material (2004)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: The Star Wars Trilogy presents the movies with uniformly excellent visuals, mostly terrific audio, and a nice complement of supplements. On the surface, the extras may seem somewhat sparse, but with three audio commentaries and almost four hours of video footage, the set comes with a lot of great information, most of which is very high quality. Created b
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/starwarsbonus.shtml - 28k - 05 Oct 2024
64. Malcolm X [Blu-Ray Book] (1992)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: If you watch the documentary, it reinforces the notion that Denzel Washington perfectly captured his character in Malcolm X, as the footage of the actual man is spookily similar to the actor’s performance. Washington deserved the Oscar for his work, and I consider his turn here to be one of the all-time great pieces of movie acting ... The rest of Malcol
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/malcolmxbr.shtml - 28k - 05 Oct 2024
65. Jurassic Park: Collector's Edition (1993)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: Jurassic Park remains very exciting and fun. I've watched it multiple times but it continues to entertain and excite me. The DVD provides erratic visuals but delivers good audio and some satisfying supplements. The problems with the picture quality mean the DVD doesn’t soar, but it’s a passable release for a classic action film. Starring Sam Neill, Laura
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/jurassicpark.shtml - 29k - 05 Oct 2024
66. Malcolm X: Special Edition (1992)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: Denzel Washington perfectly captured his character in Malcolm X, as the footage of the actual man is spookily similar to the actor’s performance. Washington deserved the Oscar for his work, and I consider his turn here to be one of the all-time great pieces of movie acting. The rest of Malcolm X isn’t as good, but the film nonetheless succeeds more than
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/malcolmxse.shtml - 29k - 05 Oct 2024
67. Jurassic Park [Blu-Ray 3D] (1993)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: After 23 years, Jurassic Park remains a terrific adventure. No, the effects don’t dazzle like they did in 1993, but the action still delights and the movie continues to be a blast. Starring Sam Neill, Laura Dern. Universal, $14.98, 4/23/2013.
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/jurassicpark3d.shtml - 32k - 05 Oct 2024
68. Roots: 30th Anniversary Edition (1977)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: Is there any reason for fans who already own the “25th Anniversary” Roots to “double dip” on this “30th Anniversary” release? Nope. Sure, it adds a couple new extras, but it presents identical picture and audio. Those added supplements aren’t nearly enough to justify a repurchase of Roots. If you never got that one, though, snag the new set. Starring LeV
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/roots30.shtml - 33k - 05 Oct 2024
69. Jurassic Park: Ultimate Trilogy [Blu-Ray] (1993)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: After 18 years, Jurassic Park remains a terrific adventure. No, the effects don’t dazzle like they did in 1993, but the action still delights and the movie continues to be a blast. The Blu-ray offers top-notch audio as well as very good picture and supplements. This turns into a solid presentation for a fun flick. Starring Sam Neill, Laura Dern. Universa
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/jurassicparkbr.shtml - 36k - 05 Oct 2024
70. Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs [Blu-Ray] (1937)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: Snow White remains a landmark film – and a good piece of entertainment. Without question, the Blu-ray offers the strongest presentation the film has ever enjoyed on home video. I definitely recommend it to all animation fans, though I remain disappointed that it doesn’t totally replace the 2001 DVD. If you own that release, you’ll want to keep it in your
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/snowwhitebr.shtml - 46k - 05 Oct 2024

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