Search Results Your search for James, Garner found the following documents (of 8937 documents searched): Displaying documents 1-10 of 51, with best matches first:
- 1. The Great Escape: Collector's Set (1963)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: A very entertaining movie, The Great Escape doesn’t come without flaws, but its problems seem greatly outweighed by its positives. The film tells an intriguing story in a lively and involving manner. Starring Steve McQueen, James Garner. MGM, $29.98, 5/18/2004.
URL: - 29k - 13 Dec 2024
- 2. The Great Escape [Blu-Ray] (1963)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: A very entertaining movie, The Great Escape doesn’t come without flaws, but its problems seem greatly outweighed by its positives. The film tells an intriguing story in a lively and involving manner. The Blu-ray offers good audio and bonus materials but picture quality seems spotty at best. If you don’t own Escape, you might as well get the Blu-ray, but
URL: - 27k - 13 Dec 2024
- 3. The Great Escape: Criterion Collection [Blu-Ray] (1963)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: A very entertaining movie, The Great Escape doesn’t come without flaws, but its problems seem greatly outweighed by its positives. The film tells an intriguing story in a lively and involving manner. Starring Steve McQueen, James Garner. Criterion, $39.95, 5/12/2020.
URL: - 26k - 13 Dec 2024
- 4. The Disaster Artist [Blu-ray] (2017)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: Entertaining but insubstantial, The Disaster Artist never digs very deep. Still, it presents a fun experience most of the time. Starring James Franco, Dave Franco. Lionsgate, $39.99, 3/13/2018.
URL: - 23k - 13 Dec 2024
- 5. Zookeeper [Blu-Ray] (2011)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: While Zookeeper delivers more laughs than most Kevin James movies, that’s a bigger indictment of his other films than an endorsement of it. Despite a few mildly amusing moments, the movie rambles too much and fails to provide anything especially engaging. The Blu-ray offers fairly good picture and audio along with an average roster of supplements. This e
URL: - 27k - 13 Dec 2024
- 6. Paul Blart: Mall Cop [Blu-Ray] (2009)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: Maybe someday I’ll figure out how Paul Blart: Mall Cop managed to earn $145 million, but right now, I remain utterly befuddled. The movie provides a totally innocuous – and completely forgettable – piece of work that leaves your memory before the credits start to roll. Starring Kevin James, Keir O'Donnell. Sony, $14.99, 5/19/2009.
URL: - 20k - 13 Dec 2024
- 7. Paul Blart: Mall Cop (2009)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: Maybe someday I’ll figure out how Paul Blart: Mall Cop managed to earn $145 million, but right now, I remain utterly befuddled. The movie provides a totally innocuous – and completely forgettable – piece of work that leaves your memory before the credits start to roll ... I think the DVD works fine, but the movie itself is mediocre at best. Starring Kevi
URL: - 24k - 13 Dec 2024
- 8. Elektra: Director's Cut (2005)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: The theatrical cut of Elektra was a murky mess, and the slightly longer Director’s Cut fails to make it better. The movie continues to suffer from too much blandness and not enough clarity. Starring Jennifer Garner, Goran Visnjic. Fox, $26.98, 10/15/2005.
URL: - 28k - 13 Dec 2024
- 9. Tyson [Blu-Ray] (2008)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: I’m not sure a documentary about a subject as complex as Mike Tyson could be dull, and Tyson certainly manages to sustain the viewer’s interest. However, its use of only one viewpoint limits its usefulness, and it also tends to feel more like an attempt to garner sympathy for Tyson rather than to explain/interpret him as a person. The Blu-ray provides pe
URL: - 24k - 13 Dec 2024
- 10. Elektra [Blu-Ray] (2005)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: A disappointing effort, Elektra suffers from too much blandness and not enough clarity. From its lead actor on down, the movie sputters. Starring Jennifer Garner, Goran Visnjic. Fox, $19.98, 5/4/2010.
URL: - 26k - 13 Dec 2024
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