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Your search for Robert Rodriguez found the following documents (of 8834 documents searched):
Displaying documents 1-10 of 53, with best matches first:

1. Grindhouse [Blu-Ray] (2007)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino united for a clever double feature via Grindhouse. Both movies entertain and this turns into a cool package. Starring Rosario Dawson, Rose McGowan. Vivendi, $14.99, 10/5/2010.
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/grindhousebr.shtml - 37k - 05 Oct 2024
2. Desperado [Blu-Ray] (1995)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: With 1000 times the budget of El Mariachi, Robert Rodriguez created a sequel that didn’t match up to the original. Desperado has its moments, but overall it feels forced and like everyone involved tried too hard to impress us. The Blu-ray presents very good picture and sound plus a decent set of supplements. Action fans will probably find this solid Blu-
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/desperadobr.shtml - 23k - 05 Oct 2024
3. Desperado: Collector's Edition [4K UHD] (1995)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: With 1000 times the budget of El Mariachi, Robert Rodriguez created a sequel that didn’t match up to the original. Desperado boasts some strong moments, but overall it feels forced and like everyone involved tried too hard to impress us. Starring Antonio Banderas, Salma Hayek. Arrow, $99.95, 8/27/2024.
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/desperado4k.shtml - 22k - 05 Oct 2024
4. Desperado: Special Edition (1995)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: With 1000 times the budget of El Mariachi, Robert Rodriguez created a sequel that didn’t match up to the original. Desperado has its moments, but overall it feels forced and like everyone involved tried too hard to impress us. Directed by Robert Rodriquez. Columbia, $19.95, 8/26/2003.
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/desperadose.shtml - 25k - 05 Oct 2024
5. Planet Terror: Unrated [Blu-Ray] (2007)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: Theatrically, Planet Terror seemed like the better half of Grindhouse, but in retrospect, I no longer like it as much as its partner. Terror throws enough at us to entertain through one screening, but when seen again, its grossness and one-dimensionality wears thin. Starring Freddy Rodríguez, Rose McGowan. Weinstein Company, $29.99, 12/16/2008.
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/planetterrorbr.shtml - 26k - 05 Oct 2024
6. Once Upon A Time In Mexico (2003)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: A fairly slapdash affair, Once Upon a Time In Mexico includes some sporadically entertaining and clever bits. However, as a whole the film seems too erratic and patched together to ever become something generally winning. Starring Antonio Banderas, Salma Hayek. Columbia TriStar, $28.95, 1/20/2004.
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/onceuponatimeinmexico.shtml - 29k - 05 Oct 2024
7. Once Upon a Time in Mexico: Collector's Edition [Blu-Ray] (2003)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: A fairly slapdash affair, Once Upon a Time In Mexico includes some sporadically entertaining and clever bits. However, as a whole the film seems too erratic and patched together to ever become something generally winning. Starring Antonio Banderas, Salma Hayek. Arrow, $99.95, 8/27/2024.
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/onceuponatimeinmexicobrarrow.shtml - 24k - 05 Oct 2024
8. Planet Terror: Unrated Special Edition (2007)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: Theatrically, Planet Terror seemed like the better half of Grindhouse, but in retrospect, I no longer like it as much as its partner. Terror throws enough at us to entertain through one screening, but when seen again, its grossness and one-dimensionality wears thin. Starring Freddy Rodríguez, Rose McGowan. Weinstein Company, $29.99, 10/16/2007.
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/planetterror.shtml - 29k - 05 Oct 2024
9. Sin City: Recut, Extended & Unrated (2005)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: I recommend this package for pretty much anyone with an interest in Sin City. I advised a rental when I reviewed the movie-only disc since I knew this one would come out before long, so hopefully you skipped a purchase of the original set. If so, definitely snag this excellent edition. Heck, even if you did buy the basic DVD, this one’s worth an upgrade
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/sincityreu.shtml - 34k - 05 Oct 2024
10. Sin City: Recut, Extended & Unrated (2005) [Blu-Ray]
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: Fans who already own the prior release of the “Recut, Extended and Unrated” version of Sin City won’t pursue this Blu-Ray edition for its pair of exclusive supplements; only one is actually useful, and even it doesn’t truly impress. However, they will go after this Blu-Ray because it looks really, really good. In terms of film presentation, this is the d
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/sincityreubluray.shtml - 38k - 05 Oct 2024

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