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Your search for Barry, Pepper found the following documents (of 8937 documents searched):
Displaying documents 1-10 of 39, with best matches first:

1. Trigger Point [Blu-Ray] (2021)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: Despite moderate potential to create a decent thriller, Trigger Point lacks even the most basic drama or thrills. Sluggish and flat, the movie never engages. Starring Barry Pepper, Colm Feore. Screen Media, $29.98, 6/1/2021.
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/triggerpoint.shtml - 18k - 13 Dec 2024
2. Crawl [4K UHD] (2019)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: Potentially an exciting twist on the animal attack genre, Crawl fails to turn into anything special. Even at a brief 87 minutes, the movie seems slow and uncompelling. Starring Kaya Scodelario, Barry Pepper. Paramount, $25.99, 9/20/2022.
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/crawl4k.shtml - 20k - 13 Dec 2024
3. Crawl [Blu-Ray] (2019)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: Potentially an exciting twist on the animal attack genre, Crawl doesn’t turn into anything special. Even at a brief 87 minutes, the movie seems slow and uncompelling. Starring Kaya Scodelario, Barry Pepper. Paramount, $39.99, 10/15/2019.
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/crawl.shtml - 22k - 13 Dec 2024
4. 61* [Blu-Ray] (2001)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: I don’t know if 1961 is the most famous year in baseball history; with Joe DiMaggio’s 56-game hitting streak and Ted Williams’ .406 batting average, 1941 gets a claim, and 1927 earns consideration just for the dominance of that year’s Yankees. Nonetheless, 1961 provided an extremely memorable season, and 61* depicts it well. It delivers an enjoyable view
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/61br.shtml - 26k - 13 Dec 2024
5. The Bee Gees: How Can You Mend a Broken Heart [Blu-Ray] (2020)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: With a slew of ups and downs, the Bee Gees enjoyed a career that deserves a quality exploration. Despite some compelling moments, How Can You Mend a Broken Heart falls short of those goals and feels like a too short and too superficial overview. Starring Bee Gees. Warner, $21.99, 11/16/2021.
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/howcanyoumendabrokenheart.shtml - 21k - 13 Dec 2024
6. The Green Mile [Blu-Ray] (1999)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: The Green Mile offers an entertaining little fable. It takes too long to get to its conclusion and follows too many dead ends along the way, but I still feel that it works well as a whole, largely due to the presence of a fine cast. The Blu-ray itself offers mediocre picture, very good sound and a nice collection of extras. This remains a solid movie, bu
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/greenmilebr.shtml - 28k - 13 Dec 2024
7. The Green Mile: Special Edition (1999)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: Mile definitely deserves your attention, and if you don’t own the prior DVD, go for this special edition. It also offers a good upgrade for those who do possess the original disc. In addition to all the new extras, the 2006 transfer seemed considerably sharper and clearer. This release is a solid piece of work. Starring Tom Hanks, Michael Clarke Duncan.
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/greenmilese.shtml - 30k - 13 Dec 2024
8. We Were Soldiers [Blu-Ray] (2002)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: Though I admire the intentions behind We Were Soldiers, I did not care for the film itself. The movie wants to depict the reality of a historically significant battle in Vietnam, but the result feels pat, trite and predictable. Starring Mel Gibson, Sam Elliott. Paramount, $22.98, 6/3/2008.
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/weweresoldiersbr.shtml - 21k - 13 Dec 2024
9. Broken City [Blu-Ray] (2013)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: With a high-powered cast, Broken City looked like a potential winner. Unfortunately, the actors find themselves mired in warmed-over film noir clichés and a muddled, meandering story that does little more than bore. The Blu-ray delivers pretty good picture and audio along with a few decent bonus materials. Don’t let the stars on the Blu-ray’s cover entic
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/brokencity.shtml - 24k - 13 Dec 2024
10. The Man With The Golden Gun (1974)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: Despite its poor reputation, I found The Man With the Golden Gun to offer a generally enjoyable experience. The film certainly displays flaws, but my overall opinion remains favorable. Starring Roger Moore, Christopher Lee. MGM, $34.98, 5/16/2006.
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/goldengun.shtml - 24k - 13 Dec 2024

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