Search Results Your search for David, Niven found the following documents (of 8937 documents searched): Displaying documents 1-10 of 19, with best matches first:
- 1. The Guns Of Navarone: Collector's Edition (1961)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: As the third DVD release of Guns, the important question becomes how it compares to the others. Audio remains consistent with its predecessors, but picture shows improvements and we get the most complete collection of extras. It’s worth a repurchase for fans. Starring Gregory Peck, David Niven, Anthony Quinn. Sony, $24.96, 5/8/2007.
URL: - 25k - 13 Dec 2024
- 2. The Guns Of Navarone [Blu-Ray] (1961)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: Although some aspects of it appear a bit dated, The Guns of Navarone holds up well for a 50-year-old action film. The Blu-ray delivers erratic but acceptable picture along with very good audio and supplements. This ends up as the strongest home video release of the film to date. Starring Gregory Peck, David Niven, Anthony Quinn. Sony, $19.99, 10/18/2011.
URL: - 24k - 13 Dec 2024
- 3. The Guns Of Navarone: Special Edition (1961)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: Although some aspects of it appear a bit dated, The Guns of Navarone holds up well for a more-than-40-year-old action film. The DVD provides a somewhat weak picture, but the sound appears surprisingly robust, and the package features a few interesting supplements. At the very least, Guns merits a rental, and a purchase might be warranted instead. Starrin
URL: - 20k - 13 Dec 2024
- 4. The Guns Of Navarone: Superbit (1961)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: Those looking for a movie with hyper-editing and slam-bang thrills probably won't enjoy The Guns of Navarone, but I thought it provided enough excitement and action to make it a fine movie. To be honest, I do prefer Force 10 to this original, but both are good films that provide a lot of fun. Starring Gregory Peck, David Niven, Anthony Quinn. Columbia Tr
URL: - 20k - 13 Dec 2024
- 5. Wuthering Heights / Love Affair
Wuthering Heights Love Affair Reviewed by Colin Jacobson DVD Wuthering Heights: HBO, standard 1.33:1, languages: English Digital Mono, subtitles: none, single side-single layer, 24 chapters, Interview with Geraldine Fitzgerald, Cast bio, Original...
URL: - 22k - 13 Dec 2024
- 6. Casino Royale: 40th Anniversary Edition (1967)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: The movie’s too flawed for me to recommend it to anyone other than big Bond fans, but they’ll dig it. I can’t choose it over the previous release of Royale, however. Both discs offer identical picture and audio, but they come with different extras. I really like the commentary and documentary found here, but all Bond fans will want the 1950s TV version o
URL: - 25k - 13 Dec 2024
- 7. Murder By Death (1976)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson Title: Murder By Death (1976) Studio Line: Columbia Pictures You are cordially invited to dinner... and a murder! The world's greatest detectives have been invited to dinner. But when murder is on the menu, who will make...
URL: - 18k - 13 Dec 2024
- 8. Casino Royale (1967)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: In the end, I think that Casino Royale also deserves a screening, at least for serious Bond fans. The movie may offer the most erratic piece of work ever filmed and never goes much of anywhere, but it seems generally entertaining and stands as an interesting footnote in the history of 007 ... I don’t know how much value this set is to folks who don’t rea
URL: - 27k - 13 Dec 2024
- 9. Around The World In 80 Days: Special Edition (1956)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: While one of the least impressive winners of the Best Picture Oscar, at least Around the World in 80 Days manages to provide a generally fun piece of work. Indeed, that’s all it has going for it, as the movie never takes itself seriously and gives us nothing more than a visually-appealing comedic romp. Starring David Niven, John Gielgud. Warner, $26.99,
URL: - 31k - 13 Dec 2024
- 10. Licence To Kill (1989)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: Licence to Kill is a winner. The film offers one of the best Bonds ever made, a fact that's become sadly obscured by the picture's box office death. Starring Timothy Dalton, Carey Lowell. MGM, $34.98, 10/19/1999.
URL: - 32k - 13 Dec 2024
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