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Your search for Mira, Sorvino found the following documents (of 8937 documents searched):
Displaying documents 1-10 of 13, with best matches first:

1. Mighty Aphrodite (1995)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: The movie itself had some potential, but it became bogged down in annoying characterizations and gimmicky techniques.
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/mightyaphrodite.shtml - 21k - 13 Dec 2024
2. Romy And Michele's High School Reunion: 15th Anniversary Edition [Blu-Ray] (1997)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: Though it comes with a good cast and a fun premise, Romy and Michele’s High School Reunion never really takes flight. It offers serviceable entertainment at times but just doesn’t have enough substance to carry us through its 92 minutes. The Blu-ray presents mediocre visuals, acceptable audio and nearly non-existent supplements. This feels like a lacklus
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/romyandmicheleshighschoolreunion.shtml - 21k - 13 Dec 2024
3. The Replacement Killers [Blu-Ray] (1998)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: As a movie, The Replacement Killers provides a flashy but fairly dull piece of work. The glitzy visuals never add up to much real excitement, and the film’s good cast can’t compensate for these concerns. Starring Chow Yun-Fat, Mira Sorvino. Sony, $14.98, 9/11/2007.
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/replacementkillersbr.shtml - 21k - 13 Dec 2024
4. Mimic [Blu-Ray] (1997)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: Is Mimic worth a look as anything more than an early work from Guillermo Del Toro? Yeah, to a degree; the film has some moments – especially in its first half – but doesn’t really gel into something satisfying. The Blu-ray offers pretty good picture and audio along with some useful supplements highlighted by an excellent commentary. The movie’s erratic b
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/mimicbr.shtml - 24k - 13 Dec 2024
5. The Replacement Killers: Special Edition (1998)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: ...it feels surprisingly dull and comes across as a missed opportunity.
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/replacementkillers.shtml - 28k - 13 Dec 2024
6. Exposed [Blu-ray] (2016)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: With an unusual supernatural tone and narrative, Exposed offers a twist on the standard cop/crime genre. Unfortunately, the movie’s execution drops the ball and makes the plot plodding and barely coherent. Starring Keanu Reeves, Ana de Armas. Lionsgate, $19.99, 3/29/2016.
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/exposed.shtml - 19k - 13 Dec 2024
7. Gods and Generals [Blu-Ray] (2003)
Reviewed by David Williams: Gods and Generals is a painfully authentic film that goes to great lengths to present both sides of the story in a historically accurate and authentic manner. The Blu-ray provides very good audio and some useful supplements but the image suffers from inconsistencies. This is an interesting historical film but an erratic Blu-ray presentation. Starring Rob
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/godsandgeneralsbr.shtml - 24k - 13 Dec 2024
8. Training Day [4K UHD] (2001)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: More than 20 years after its release, Training Day remains remembered due to the Oscar-winning lead performance from Denzel Washington. I cannot find much else to keep the film in the public consciousness, as it mostly feels like a fairly generic rogue cop tale. Starring Denzel Washington, Ethan Hawke. Warner, $33.98, 2/28/2023.
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/trainingday4k.shtml - 19k - 13 Dec 2024
9. Stuber [Blu-Ray] (2019)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: Thanks to the chemistry between its leads, Stuber provides decent entertainment. However, the whole package seems a bit trite and lazy, so it ends up as a fairly mediocre film. Starring Kumail Nanjiani, Dave Bautista. Fox, $34.99, 10/15/2019.
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/stuber.shtml - 20k - 13 Dec 2024
10. Training Day [Blu-Ray] (2001)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: 20 years after its release, Training Day remains remembered due to Denzel Washington’s Oscar-winning lead performance. I can’t find much else to keep the film in the public consciousness, as it mostly feels like a fairly generic 'rogue cop' tale. Starring Denzel Washington, Ethan Hawke. Warner, $9.98, 8/1/2006.
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/trainingday.shtml - 21k - 13 Dec 2024

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