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Your search for Martin, Landau found the following documents (of 8937 documents searched):
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1. Ed Wood [Blu-Ray] (1994)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: For years, I believed Ed Wood was one of Tim Burton’s lesser works. I was wrong, as the movie turns out to be genuinely terrific. Sweet, funny, quirky and moving, it’s an excellent piece of work. The Blu-ray presents solid picture and audio along with a nice set of supplements. The Blu-ray does justice to a fine film. Starring Johnny Depp, Martin Landau.
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/edwoodbr.shtml - 25k - 13 Dec 2024
2. Ed Wood: Special Edition (1994)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: For the last 10 years, I believed Ed Wood was one of Tim Burton’s lesser works. I was wrong, as the movie turns out to be genuinely terrific. Sweet, funny, quirky and moving, it’s an excellent piece of work ... I definitely recommend Ed Wood, and I only regret that I waited so long to discover the movie’s charms. Starring Johnny Depp, Martin Landau. Buen
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/edwoodse.shtml - 27k - 13 Dec 2024
3. Cleopatra: Five Star Collection (1963)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson Title: Cleopatra: Five Star Collection (1963) Studio Line: 20th Century Fox Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton and Rex Harrison star in this sweeping tale of power and betrayal--the legendary story of the Queen of the Nile...
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/cleopatra.shtml - 34k - 13 Dec 2024
4. Cleopatra: 50th Anniversary Edition [Blu-Ray] (1963)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: Cleopatra provides a surprisingly entertaining and compelling package. The movie drags at times and definitely shows some flaws, but its grandeur and scope ultimately make it interesting. The Blu-ray provides excellent visuals, very good audio and a strong set of bonus materials. Chalk this up as a fairly enjoyable film and a terrific Blu-ray. Starring E
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/cleopatrabr.shtml - 36k - 13 Dec 2024
5. Tucker: The Man and His Dream: Special Edition (1988)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson Title: Tucker: The Man and His Dream: Special Edition (1988) Studio Line: Paramount Pictures According to New York Magazine, Tucker: A Man And His Dream is "as fast, sleek and streamlined as the car - the Tucker Torpedo,...
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/tucker.shtml - 18k - 13 Dec 2024
6. Remember [Blu-ray] (2016)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: Due to its emphasis on elderly characters, Remember shows the potential to become an intriguing shift on the standard revenge thriller. Unfortunately, it revolves too much around its plot twists and lacks the substance it needs to succeed. Starring Christopher Plummer, Martin Landau. Lionsgate, $24.99, 5/3/2016.
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/remember.shtml - 20k - 13 Dec 2024
7. Titanic [4K UHD] (1997)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: Moving, entertaining and often stunning, Titanic remains an exceptional film. Arguably one of the five most popular movies of all time, it holds up after more than a quarter of a century. Starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet. Paramount, $37.99, 12/5/2023.
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/titanic4k.shtml - 33k - 13 Dec 2024
8. North By Northwest [Blu-Ray] (1959)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: For fans who already own the DVD, the Blu-ray deserves an upgrade… but not as clearly as one might expect. While the Blu-ray looks very good, the old DVD remains more than competent in terms of its visuals. The Blu-ray’s an improvement but not a killer upgrade. However, it also throws in some nice new supplements and it’s a satisfying package that Hitchc
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/northbynorthwestbr.shtml - 32k - 13 Dec 2024
9. Alien Anthology: Bonus Material [Blu-Ray] (2010)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: ... I remain happy with the “Anthology”. It includes some of my all-time favorite movies and brings them to Blu-ray in generally good style. It’s certainly a dream for folks who want to know more about the series’ creation, as it comes packed with more supplements than I’d have dreamed possible. All of this makes me pretty pleased with this massive set.
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/alienanthology.shtml - 65k - 13 Dec 2024
10. 9 [Blu-Ray] (2009)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: Given its interesting characters and themes, I had high hopes for 9. Alas, the end result lacks much to make it special. While I think the movie looks really good, the rest of it seems pretty ordinary. Starring Elijah Wood, John C. Reilly. Universal, $14.98, 12/29/2009.
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/9br.shtml - 22k - 13 Dec 2024

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