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Your search for Billy, Crudup found the following documents (of 8937 documents searched):
Displaying documents 1-10 of 22, with best matches first:

1. Pretty Bird (2008)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: With a good cast and a moderately interesting premise, Pretty Bird boasted decent potential. Unfortunately, it ends up as a mess of a film that can’t establish a consistent tone or narrative. The DVD gives us acceptable picture and audio but includes no supplements. Bird is far from awful, but it’s never better than just okay. Starring Paul Giamatti, Bil
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/prettybird.shtml - 19k - 13 Dec 2024
2. Watchmen: Director's Cut [Blu-Ray] (2009)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: Ambitious and epic, Watchmen doesn’t always fire on all cylinders. However, it more completely captures the spirit and scope of the source comic than one could realistically expect, and it turns into an engaging movie. The Blu-ray provides excellent picture and audio as well as some good extras highlighted by a useful interactive mode. If you like Watchm
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/watchmenbr.shtml - 31k - 13 Dec 2024
3. Almost Famous [4K UHD] (2000)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: Almost Famous became one of the sweetest and more ingratiating films of 2000, and it possesses a particular resonance for those of us with a heavy interest in rock music. What could have been little more than a coming of age story dressed up in classic rock clothes, Famous instead offered a light and lovely tale that earned honest emotion without any si
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/almostfamous4k.shtml - 31k - 13 Dec 2024
4. Youth In Oregon (2016)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: With a strong cast, parts of Youth in Oregon show potential. However, beyond some fine performances, the film lacks coherence and struggles to find its way. Starring Frank Langella, Billy Crudup. Sony, $14.99, 4/4/2017.
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/youthinoregon.shtml - 17k - 13 Dec 2024
5. Jackie [Blu-Ray] (2016)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: Even with strong acting, Jackie fails to make a strong impression. The movie lacks the depth or introspection it needs to become really meaningful. Starring Natalie Portman, Billy Crudup. Fox, $39.99, 3/7/2017.
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/jackie.shtml - 20k - 13 Dec 2024
6. The Longest Week [Blu-Ray] (2014)
"Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: Cloying and obnoxious, I
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/longestweek.shtml - 20k - 13 Dec 2024
7. Watchmen: Director's Cut (2009)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: Ambitious and epic, Watchmen doesn’t always fire on all cylinders. However, it more completely captures the spirit and scope of the source comic than one could realistically expect, and it turns into an engaging movie. The DVD provides terrific audio, but picture quality is mediocre at best, and the package comes with average supplements. I think the fli
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/watchmen.shtml - 28k - 13 Dec 2024
8. Princess Mononoke (1997)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson Title: Princess Mononoke (1997) Studio Line: Miramax - The Fate Of The World Rests On The Courage Of One Warrior. Claire Danes (The Mod Squad), Minnie Driver (Good Will Hunting) and Billy Bob Thornton (Armageddon, Sling...
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/princessmononoke.shtml - 16k - 13 Dec 2024
9. Big Fish (2004)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: A change of pace for Tim Burton, Big Fish offers a pretty winning piece. The movie presents a quirky but still rich and believable fable that works well in most ways. Starring Ewan McGregor, Albert Finney. Columbia TriStar, $28.95, 4/27/2004.
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/bigfish.shtml - 27k - 13 Dec 2024
10. Watchmen: Collector's Edition [Blu-Ray] (2009)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: Ambitious and epic, Watchmen doesn’t always fire on all cylinders. However, it more completely captures the spirit and scope of the source comic than one could realistically expect, and it turns into an engaging movie. The Blu-ray provides excellent picture and audio as well as a strong set of supplements ... And a steep price tag, too. Is the “Collecto
URL: http://www.dvdmg.com/watchmence.shtml - 28k - 13 Dec 2024

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