Search Results Your search for Vin, Diesel found the following documents (of 8937 documents searched): Displaying documents 1-10 of 49, with best matches first:
- 1. Pitch Black [4K UHD] (2000)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: Despite a mix of derivative elements, Pitch Black manages to create enough impact to turn into an enjoyable sci-fi/action flick. Don’t expect anything especially original, but the end result nonetheless works. Starring Vin Diesel, Radha Mitchell. Arrow, $49.95, 9/1/2020.
URL: - 28k - 13 Dec 2024
- 2. Pitch Black [Blu-Ray] (2000)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: Despite a mix of derivative elements, Pitch Black manages to create enough impact to turn into an enjoyable sci-fi/action flick. Don’t expect anything especially original, but the end result nonetheless works. Starring Vin Diesel, Radha Mitchell. Arrow, $39.95, 8/18/2020.
URL: - 31k - 13 Dec 2024
- 3. The Pacifier (2005)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: Comedy for the easy to amuse, the financial success of The Pacifier makes my teeth hurt. Outside of a game performance from Vin Diesel, there’s almost nothing to like about this idiotic, simplistic attempt at cheap humor. Starring Vin Diesel, Lauren Graham. Disney, $29.99, 6/28/2005.
URL: - 25k - 13 Dec 2024
- 4. xXx: 15th Anniversary Edition [Blu-Ray] (2002)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: In its attempts to create a 21st century secret agent, xXx just falls flat and comes across like a lame rehash of better films. A loud and obnoxious affair, the flick tries way too hard to floor us with its “extreme” action, but it does little more than seem inane and pointlessly flashy. Starring Vin Diesel, Samuel L. Jackson. Sony, $19.98, 1/10/2017.
URL: - 33k - 13 Dec 2024
- 5. The Chronicles Of Riddick: Collector's Edition [Blu-Ray] (2004)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: Many criticize big-budget blockbusters as all style, no substance, and that seems to be the case with The Chronicles of Riddick. The filmmakers executed a lavish and detailed sci-fi universe but didn’t bother to come up with an involving story or much dynamic action. Starring Vin Diesel, Judi Dench. Arrow, $39.95, 9/17/2024.
URL: - 33k - 13 Dec 2024
- 6. Riddick [Blu-Ray] (2013)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: While Riddick occasionally shows glimmers of life, it can’t sustain our attention. The movie tends to feel too scattered, too slow and too derivative to be more than sporadically entertaining. The Blu-ray boasts dynamic picture and audio along with a smattering of informative bonus features. Fans of the franchise may enjoy Riddick, but it does little to
URL: - 28k - 13 Dec 2024
- 7. The Chronicles Of Riddick: Collector's Edition [4K UHD] (2004)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: Many criticize big-budget blockbusters as all style, no substance, and that seems to be the case with The Chronicles of Riddick. The filmmakers executed a lavish and detailed sci-fi universe but didn’t bother to come up with an involving story or much dynamic action. Starring Vin Diesel, Judi Dench. Arrow, $49.95, 9/17/2024.
URL: - 33k - 13 Dec 2024
- 8. Xxx (2002)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: A loud and obnoxious affair, the flick tries way too hard to floor us with its extreme action, but it does little more than seem inane and pointlessly flashy.
URL: - 36k - 13 Dec 2024
- 9. The Last Witch Hunter [Blu-Ray] (2015)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: Perhaps a more talented filmmaker could’ve made something interesting out of The Last Witch Hunter, but director Breck Eisner lacks the skills to accomplish that feat. Instead, he creates a slow, plodding flick without any excitement or drama. Starring Vin Diesel, Elijah Wood. Lionsgate Entertainment, $39.99, 2/2/2016.
URL: - 22k - 13 Dec 2024
- 10. Fast and Furious [4K UHD] (2009)
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: Commercially, Fast and Furious reinvigorated a declining franchise. Creatively, it provides a collection of good driving scenes in search of a compelling story. Starring Vin Diesel, Paul Walker. Universal, $29.98, 10/2/2018.
URL: - 22k - 13 Dec 2024
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